* Playpen
* XL Crate
* Gates for doors or hallways
* Potty Bells
* Stainless Steel dog bowls
* Dog bed
* Dog door
* Harness
* Collar
* Leash
Recommended Training Tools
Recommended Toys & Chews
We Feed All Our Puppies and Adult Dogs
Steve's Raw Patties and Freeze dried complete nutrition
please look at the store locator for stores near you
if you do not see one most high end pet stores can order it in for you!
We recommend feeding 10% your puppies body weight a day split over three meals!!
IF you decide to change foods to a traditional hard kibble please do it very slowly over several weeks! We recommend FROMM 4-Star Rotational diet!!
Click On Photo To Order
PlexiDor Performance Pet Doors
click photo to order
We have offered some of the products we use here at Brickhaven Labradoodles and recommend to our puppy families! You will find a few options for each type of product. Everything your puppy needs for a great start!!!!
* All Natural Bones and Chews
* Bully Sticks
* No-Hides
* Raw frozen marrow bones
* Raw frozen Chicken/Turkey necks
*Goats milk for lick mat
* Lick mat
* Teat Puzzel
* Snuggle Puppy
* Kong
* Stuffed toys